Thursday, September 15, 2016

Photo Analysis

     Out of the three pictures, I like Larry Sultan's Las Angeles, Early Evening picture. It is dusk when the picture is being taken so it is a bit dark, but the window is bright and draws your attention right away. The lines of the tree as well as the lines of the ladder lead to the window which is the subject that the photographer wanted the viewer to focus on. The branches as well as the vines of the flower bush wrap around the window as well so you focus on the man standing in the middle of the room. The window is slightly off center which makes for a little more interesting of a perspective.
     Even though the exposure is lower outside than it is indoors, all of the colors of the flowers pop out nicely. The flowers all contrast from the dark grass as well as contrast from the dull off-white house. Its not an over happy picture, due to the fact that the person in the window seems mad or at least concerned about the photo getting taken. The composition of the photo is very nice because you see both the outside of the house but also into the room which is on a more personal level with the man. This picture just seems like it has a story behind it and it makes you wonder more about the man's life.

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