Thursday, September 15, 2016

Classmate Selected

Pics that I selected

I was very happy with the pictures I selected as well as my classmates. My classmates chose the bike picture as one of their favorites. The picture had a small depth of field and focused on the red bike which made the color pop.The background of the picture was blurred out and full of bokeh which made the viewer focus on the bike. My classmates liked the use of the small depth of field but I just thought some of my other pictures were brighter and more eye catching. A picture that I really liked out of my 30 shots was the logo of the Schwinn Scooter. The red in the picture really pops and the way the sunlight bounces off the silver as well as the red makes the photo appealing to the eye. The photo that both my classmates and I chose was the one of the Polaroid. The deep red background really contrast nicely with the white and black of the Polaroid camera. The lines of the red blanket behind the camera all lead to the subject, making it much more eye catching. That photo is definitely one of the best out of the 30 photos taken.

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