Tuesday, October 25, 2016

changing art


magic wand
 quick selection

self portrait

Bryant Eslava

Bryant Eslava

This is one of my favorite photographers. He is in his 20s and made it big with his unique film like look to his pictures. Even with digital he can portray the classic look that film gives. the colors in the images he creates stand out and lighting plays a big role in his subject matter. His photos usually have an orange glow to them, due to the fact that he takes them during golden hour. The light makes the happy mood even stronger. The emotions he captures from his portraits are strong and draw you in to look at any one image for a long time.

I am going to focus my pictures on the golden hour lighting that Bryant frequently uses. I am going to try to capture the same amount of emotion and color as he does. The film look will be difficult to emulate but I will add grain to the pictures, as well as desaturate yet keep some color in the picture. I am going to enjoy taking these portraits because my favorite form of photography is in portraits.

portraits of the class